The equivalence between groupoids and crossed modules from a categorical point of view, with application in the case of groups
Description:  Starting with the well known equivalence of internal groupoids and crossed modules, in the case of groups, involving also the equivalence between points and actions, and the adjunction between actions by conjugation and semidirect products, we consider the problem of finding an appropriate general setting, from a categorical point of view, and to give some necessary and sufficient conditions, for the general case, in order to have similar results as in the case of groups. For that purpose we introduce concepts as "abstract actions", "semidirect-product diagrams" or "abstract crossed modules".
Date:  2009-09-22
Start Time:   15:45
Speaker:  Nelson Martins-Ferreira (CDRSP/IPLeiria)
Institution:  --
Place:  Room 5.5
Research Groups: -Algebra, Logic and Topology
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