Finite fields meet Markov chains
Description:  In joint work with Jimmy He and Marty Isaacs we have been exploring a curious interface between Galois theory and Probability. The problems are easy to state: Consider first Z/pZ. A random walk takes x to x+1 or x-1 with probability 1/2. As I will explain, it takes order p^2 steps (N&S) to get random. If instead you take x to 2x +1 or 2x-1, order log p steps are N&S. What happens if multiplying by 2 is replaced by squaring? We don't know! What we do know has to do with the Weyl conjectures. If you replace Z/pZ by F(2^d), squaring is 1 to 1 and a little algebra allows nice answers. I will explain all 'in English'.
Date:  2020-11-11
Start Time:   14:30
Speaker:  Persi Diaconis (Stanford Univ., USA)
Institution:  Stanford University
Place:  Zoom:
Research Groups: -Algebra and Combinatorics
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