Singularities of holomorphic flows
Description:  Semi-complete vector fields are essentially the local version of complete ones, where blow-up on finite time cannot occur. They represent the vector fields admitting a maximal solution and, consequently, a "flow". The germs of singular foliations associated to these vector fields in dimension 2 were totally classified by J. Rebelo and E. Ghys. We shall briefly discuss the main difficulties in extending their result to dimension 3 and then focus on the classification of foliations of saddle-node type associated to semi-complete vector fields in dimension 3. These are a kind of "irreducible" singularities that play an essential role in the program to classify these vector fields in dimension 3. Martinet and Ramis algebro-geometric methods are used in this classification.
Date:  2007-02-27
Start Time:   11:30
Speaker:  Helena Reis (CMUP/Faculdade de Economia, Univ. Porto)
Place:  5.4
Research Groups: -Geometry
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