Tipografia Matemática na Imprensa da Universidade 1772-1934
October 18, 14.30, Room Pedro Nunes, DMUC
14:30 Colloquium "252 anos da Faculdade de Mathematica"
"De 1772 a 1934", by Fernando Figueiredo (DMUC, CITEUC) and António Leal Duarte (DMUC, CMUC)
"Após 1934", by Luis...
The 93rd Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
The main speakers of this session will be:
Arvind AYYER (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
Nathan WILLIAMS (University of Texas at Dallas).
There will be time for a limited number of talks by participants (about 25 minutes each talk). Everybody is invited to submit a...
1st PICASSO conference France-Portugal-Spain
A three-day meeting in Málaga for researchers involved in modeling, numerical analysis, and scientific computation.
To celebrate the French scientific relationship with the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), the French CNRS has created an International Research Project called PICASSO...
Pink Shark-FV 2025: Sharing Higher-order Advanced Know-how on Finite Volume Conference
The main purpose of this conference is to strengthen the collaborations between Finite Volume (FV) field actors and to share the burden of research and development of numerical codes of FV type. This workshop brings the opportunity for Researchers...
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